Sunday, September 4, 2011

The details of Life

The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.
 - Henry Miller

Monday, August 29, 2011


This is something I have wanted to do for so long now! 
Get stickers printed up of my illustrations & have a small basket available on my table, during shows.
I'm thrilled to now offer them!

The more I develop my craft with metals & jewelry design, the more I realize how important 2-D design and illustration are to me, as well.  Using pen and paper, in exchange for a torch and hammer, at times provides me with a sense of balance . And it's much easier to do on the road, in my frequent travels. A lighter load, so to speak.
I have sketch books full of drawings that I wish to create into postcards, regular fine-art prints, greeting cards and stickers. Basically add a Windfall Designs Paper into my production line.  Slowly....little by little.

Winged-Fish-Ladder Girl.

is where I'll be next!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Booth Display

The more craft shows I attend, the more I realize how very important display and presentation are to the work itself.  The key seems to be:  make it as attractive and unique as possible without using too many pieces.
Creating or finding pieces that can pack up easily or break down into smaller parts, all the while keeping the integrity of the overall design,  is super important.
Most of my display features are designed by myself, and the actual building is often a collaboration between my father & I. 
It really makes a huge difference in the overall appearance of my booth. 

But still, I tweek my set up constantly.....changing, adding, painting new colors.......and  I'm sure it will continue to evolve and change.  But, these days, I am really happy with the look. 

What do you think?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Filled to the brim

Last winter just before flying off to Peru and Ecuador for several months I decided to apply for about 8  summer arts & crafts festivals. It was literally what I spent my last few days in the states doing, as I knew I'd be long gone, hiking in the Andes mountains when their deadline actually arrived. So, August...... I find myself in the midst of a very Full schedule.  Traveling to a show every two weeks, setting up, selling my work all day, tearing down & then heading home. It truly feels the way a marketplace is supposed to run somehow, but it takes a lot of energy & focus to successfully participate in this type of affair. Anyone who has done one can attest, I'm sure.

Heading into a season as such I knew that if I were going to enjoy the process, I'd have to  maintain a healthy balance of inspired creativity, along with a high level of productivity, along with a good dose of outdoor adventures. It's been a challange and a learning curve, but very successful in that at each of my shows, thus far, I am proud to stand behind the work that comes from these hands.

 I'll be HERE this weekend if you live in the Hudson Valley!


Monday, August 8, 2011


Two sets of friends recently got married on the same for some of us, it was a full day of celebrating, going straight from one wedding to the next.  
These colorful little hearts, one for each couple, were made as a momento of their day. I've stamped each with the date & their names on the backside, along with a magnet. The front is  enameled with several bright, festive colors.  I really love the way they turned out!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Hello there!

Welcome to my Blog.....a place where you can find out a little more about the creativity, inspiration and life behind Windfall Designs.

My name is Karin (pronounced Car - In) and I am a full time metalsmith & artist/designer/illustrator living in upstate New York. I have been working and playing with metals since 2006, mostly sterling silver, but often copper & brass as well. There is so much you can do with metal & I find the process rewarding & super fun. I look at my studio as a playground of sorts, a place to open up with inspiration and experimentation.  A place where I can cultivate ideas. I am predominantly self-taught and thus, constantly trying new techniques through trial & error to find what works for me.

Chalkboard Ring

I share a collective workspace studio with two of my closest friends, which makes the creative lifestyle one step less solitary. We renovated an old brick warehouse space into a working studio & while we still have many plans for the space itself, it's a wonderful, creative oasis to step into.

I am striving to have the kind of life I’ve always dreamed of, which incorporates creating things by hand, working for myself & traveling to far away new places.  All three of which requires flexibility and a very non-conformist lifestyle. 
Keeping the balance with all these is the challenge. And the details that go into running a successful business, at times, seems counter-intuitive to those with a creative/artistic life......but.....also VERY necessary to stay afloat.

So mine is a creative life in progress.

 On this blog I'd like to share with you photos, ideas & inspiration that I come across in my day-to-day  life. Not only with metal & my jewelry line, but also with other creative endeavors and adventures. Snippets.
Bits and pieces, if you will.

To show you what inspires me

in turn

....hopefully inspire you!

Thanks for stopping in.
Most definitely come back!