Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Native Design Necklace Collection

I have been quite inspired lately by Native American teachings and design. And I've recently finished a book called The Wind Is My Mother, by a Muskogee Indian Medicine Man, one of the last "trained" as such. His wisdom often insightful, speaking to a knowledge that lies within all of us. One of respect & awareness of the world around us.

Native teachings often remind us that we need to live in harmony or balance with nature and it's creatures. Not constantly polluting & disrespecting the earth on which we tread, the air of which we breath, the water that we drink.

And in tandem with this I have felt the pull of geometric design, of repeating patterns, but then I have always been drawn to pattern. Perhaps it speaks to the connection in all things,  a universal thread of sorts.

I hope to list these in my shop, unless they find their homes at a craft show first!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I jazzed up the Wild Buckwheat Earrings for a lovely lady in the UK this week. 
A little touch of pearl, one deep wine garnet & some soft suede. 