Friday, January 20, 2012


So I have decided to participate (as often as I can!) with Illustration Friday
This week's theme is Prepare. And since I am about to embark on a roadtrip for 6 to 8 weeks
my mind is in 
preparation mode.
What to bring, what not to bring, where to go, how to pack, what to finish up before I hit the road.
And then I also realize, I am doing this trip stateside, whereas I often travel overseas. 
Thus, most things can be gotten along the way, and all I really need are a few of the essentials.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Keeping the Creative Fires Burning

This is what a cold January evening looks like these days.
Warm Fire.
Hot Chocolate.
Long winter months were meant for the creative soul. 
Even if I am planning my escape soon enough!