Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Graceful Swan

Last Friday evening my tank ran out of Acetylene, the gas that I use for soldering.  I suppose I should have been monitering it's levels better, but alas, I wasn't. And considering it was Labor Day weekend, I wouldn't be able to get a refill until Tuesday. My scenerio: I am in prep-mode for a big upcoming show, so this didn't exactly make me happy. But what to do!?  After my initial panic,  I instead decided to use this time to think creatively about design, to focus on certain tools & techniques that don't require heat, to basically think outside the box....or shift the creative grooves I have fallen into over time.

I have been loving it.

I pulled out the used Paragon kiln my parents had gotten me last holiday season, that had been gathering dust in the corner of my studio. Researched manuals online (since its lack thereof had sent it to the corner in the first place) & fired her up. I have been exploring the nature of kiln-fired enamels, experimenting with color, timing and temperatures. I had been torch firing my colors since I began using enamels, so this is a fun shift to incorporate. Been playing with my jewelers saw a bit more too. Here is a peak at one of my latest creations:

The swan symbolizes grace. In accepting life as it comes. 
To surrender to the rhythm of the universe.

Come visit me, and see the rest of my new work at Colorscape Art Festival in Norwich, New York this weekend!

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