Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Filled to the brim

Last winter just before flying off to Peru and Ecuador for several months I decided to apply for about 8  summer arts & crafts festivals. It was literally what I spent my last few days in the states doing, as I knew I'd be long gone, hiking in the Andes mountains when their deadline actually arrived. So, August...... I find myself in the midst of a very Full schedule.  Traveling to a show every two weeks, setting up, selling my work all day, tearing down & then heading home. It truly feels the way a marketplace is supposed to run somehow, but it takes a lot of energy & focus to successfully participate in this type of affair. Anyone who has done one can attest, I'm sure.

Heading into a season as such I knew that if I were going to enjoy the process, I'd have to  maintain a healthy balance of inspired creativity, along with a high level of productivity, along with a good dose of outdoor adventures. It's been a challange and a learning curve, but very successful in that at each of my shows, thus far, I am proud to stand behind the work that comes from these hands.

 I'll be HERE this weekend if you live in the Hudson Valley!


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